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Hoffman2 Happy Hours: Running array jobs on the Hoffman2 Cluster / Running jobs on GPU nodes
December 6, 2023 @ 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Array jobs are a special class of batch jobs that use one submission script to execute multiple tasks, this is one of the most efficient ways of harnessing the computing capability of the Hoffman2 Cluster to get your work done expeditiously. Can your workflow be adapted to run in this fashion? Bring your problem / The Hoffman2 Cluster number of GPU nodes is growing, how to run on these nodes and what they can do for you.
Any questions about this workshop can be emailed to Raffaella D’Auria (dauria@oarc.ucla.edu).
Register here: https://ucla.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYsd-qpqTkpHNdZ6M8xesWm6tpmIhnrbFmj