W21: Image Processing for Microscopy
February 4 @ 1:30 pm - February 6 @ 4:30 pm
The analysis of imaging datasets is both exciting and challenging. New and increasingly powerful techniques try to maximize the information derived from multi-dimensional imaging datasets. Yet, every dataset can be a unique analysis challenge, and packages may not always work out-of-the-box. In this workshop, we will explore some popular computational tools to extract quantitative information from imaging data. Our focus will be to first grasp the principles underlying image analysis, and see how they can be logically applied to different kinds of imaging datasets. We will cover image generation, filtering, object identification, measurement of object properties, and the basics of object tracking. Through a series of stepwise hands-on exercises for each concept, we will build up to the goal of designing a full image analysis pipeline. Some programming experience in Python is highly recommended (but optional). Participants are also welcome to bring their own images and videos for discussion.